Case Management Conference Policies
Case management procedures and the case management conference ("CMC") are used by the court to expedite the movement of most civil cases through to an early resolution or trial. Counsel is expected to be thoroughly familiar with California Rules of Court (CRC) Rules 3.722 et seq., Local Rules 12 and 13 and the court's policies set out in Appendix 3 to the rules.
A case management conference (CMC) will be set by the clerk at the time the complaint is filed, ordinarily 120 days after the filing. All cases, limited and unlimited, are required to participate in a CMC. Limited collection cases are managed pursuant to CRC Rules 3.740 and 3.741, Local Rule 12.4, and Appendix 3. The Notice of Case Management Conference provided by the Clerk at the time the case is filed also describes the management orders and practice. (Uninsured motorist cases are governed by Local Rule 12.3 and are managed differently.)
The Case Management Statement must be filed 15 days prior to the scheduled CMC and should fully address all of the issues set forth in the Judicial Council form CM 110. Timely and complete Statements will facilitate the CMC and benefit the parties, counsel, and the court. A failure to file a CMC Statement, or late filing, inconveniences the court and will subject the party to the Order to Show Cause included in the Notice of Case Management Conference.
Attendance at the CMC is required, personally or telephonically. A trial date may be set at the first CMC. Trial counsel and backup trial counsel must be specified at the CMC. (If such counsel is not identified, relief from the scheduled trial date may not be based on the ground that counsel is engaged elsewhere.)
At the CMC, you may expect the judge to make appropriate pre-trial orders on any of the following matters:
- An order referring the case to arbitration, mediation, or other dispute resolution process;
- An order assigning a trial date;
- An order identifying the case as one which may be protracted and determining what special administrative and judicial attention may be appropriate, including special assignment, the appointment of the referee or special master, and the like;
- Discovery orders, including but not limited to establishing a discovery plan or schedule, assignment to a discovery referee, and/or establishing a discovery cut-off date;
- An order scheduling the exchange of expert witness information;
- An order scheduling a subsequent CMC; and
- Such other orders to achieve the interests of justice and the timely disposition of the case.