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The court will be closed Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.

Grand Jury

What is a Grand Jury?

The Constitution of the State of California requires every county to impanel a Grand Jury each year. Each July 1, the Yolo Superior Court impanels 19 grand jurors. The grand jury serves as an arm of the judicial system but acts as an entirely independent body. Grand jury service is an exciting opportunity to serve your community and learn more about local government. It can be an incredibly rewarding and satisfying experience.

The primary civil function of the grand jury is to review the operations of the city and county governments as well as other tax-supported agencies and special districts. Based on these reviews, the grand jury publishes its findings, usually at the end of the term, in a Grand Jury Final Report. Based on its findings, the grand jury may recommend constructive action to improve the quality and effectiveness of local government.

The grand jury also investigates complaints from private citizens, local government officials, or government employees.

Grand Jury Service

To qualify for Grand Jury service, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be a citizen of the United States;
  • Must be 18 years of age or older;
  • Must be a resident of Yolo County for at least one year before selection;
  • Must be in possession of your natural faculties, of ordinary intelligence, of sound judgment and fair character;
  • Possess sufficient knowledge of the English language;
  • Not currently serving as a trial juror in any court of this state during the time of your grand jury term;
  • Have not been discharged as a grand juror in any court of this state within one year;
  • Must have not been convicted of malfeasance in office or any felony;
  • Not serving as an elected public officer.

Grand jury service is important work and a considerable responsibility. It is also an exciting opportunity to serve your community and learn more about local government. It can be an incredibly rewarding and satisfying experience.

Grand Jurors serve for a one-year term, from July 1 through June 30. Grand jurors should be committed to serving the entire term. The estimated time commitment is approximately 25 – 40 hours per month. Generally, two grand jury meetings are conducted per month, usually in the evening. Additional committee meetings may sometimes be scheduled during business hours. There are two training opportunities for Grand Jury service. One half-day session takes place just before the new term begins, and another two-day seminar soon after the new term begins. Both training locations will be at 625 Court Street Woodland, CA 95695.

Grand Jury Reports

At the completion of the one-year term, the Grand Jury submits a final report that details its investigations. The final report is usually made public on the last day of June. The Grand Jury may submit additional reports throughout the year. Reports contain findings and recommendations and list those who are expected to respond to each of the recommendations. 

Link here for Grand Jury Reports and Agency Responses.

Elected officials must respond within 60 days; all other boards and officials must respond within 90 days. Copies of the Grand Jury Final Report are made available to all public libraries, county and city officials, and the news media. Reports are often inserted in the local newspapers. The report and its distribution serve to inform the community about Grand Jury activities and findings.

Requesting a Grand Jury Investigation

Grand Juries make their own determinations about which governmental departments to review, although the law requires that some departments be reviewed annually. In addition, citizens, local government officials, and government employees may submit complaints about the action or performance of public officials and public agencies.

When sufficient information is submitted, these complaints may be investigated. The name of the person filing the complaint and the nature of the complaint itself are kept strictly confidential unless a waiver of confidentiality is signed by the person filing the complaint. Grand Jurors are sworn to secrecy and, except in very rare circumstances, neither minutes nor records of its meetings may be subpoenaed.

Click here for a Grand Jury Complaint Form (English) Grand Jury Complaint Form (Spanish)

or write to this address: 

Yolo County Grand Jury

120 W. Main Street, Suite A
Woodland, CA 95695 
(530) 406-5088

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